Webcam dithering Thu Jan 17 2013 10:57:48 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) Visit project ⬀ A for-fun and for-learning port of a GLSL dithering shader to WebGL, plus adding support for reading webcam images thanks to WebRTC. More info. store store cards colour to sound eurobingo gl1tch GIFwall raining rainbows to_the_beat // js Webcam dithering animated_gif.js WebGL VGA radioworks Mesh subdivision (2012 extended edition) Screentone clock What will 2013 bring you? MACCHINA II obey 3400 miles below theremin.js MACCHINA I Macabre Pool RegExpert Nerdstalgia ie6 Instantanea jranular Sorollet Seen, gone Visualising Tolkien